Dangerous Culture Shift

 A lot has changed even since I was a kid. I'm in my 30's. And most of it is not for better. You can see the culture shifting with the invention of social media but you can also see it in all of our television shows and movies, most especially children's programming. 

What's changed?

- Satanism and witchcraft is cool and accessible to teens and kids. A way to get back at mean, stuffy adults. (This existed when I was a teenager, but to a much lesser extent.)

- Witchcraft = female empowerment

- Boys are bad. Especially white boys. Boooo so boring, so stale. Toxic masculinity. If there is a white male in any show now, especially on Netflix, you can be sure he's the villain.

- Sexy is in. Doesn't matter your age. You can be sexy at any age. Especially children.

- Fat is now in. No need to be cognizant of the risks - those people are just fatphobic! 

- Christianity = bad. Other religions? Not so much. But it's totally okay to bash Christians. In fact, it's probably the only religion that it's absolutely acceptable to trash. Try doing that with Islam and you'll be branded an Islamaphobe.

- Everything is LGBTQIA2+ or race reversed. Superman? Bisexual. Anne Boleyn? Black. Little Mermaid? Black. Black Adam? No longer Middle Eastern, he's now Samoan. 

The point I'm making is that everything has been turned on its head for the purpose of being 'woke' or for some lofty idea of social justice or equity. We're being divided by our differences instead of brought together by shared humanity. We're separated into groups. But why?

When we're divided, we're weak. We're easy to control. And when we're fighting among ourselves, we're not paying attention to the men behind the curtain. We're pawns. It's hurting our children, it's hurting our men, it's hurting our country and future, and it's breaking us spiritually.

There is an epidemic of drug overdoses and suicides in this country. The hopelessness is rampant. Because when you pin your worth on the shifting sands of this world, you will sink. It's not a rock, or a foundation. You will not find steady ground.

You need to pin your foundation, your identity, your worth in something (someone) greater than this world. Someone who has already overcome this world. His name is Jesus and He will never forsake you. He's unchanging, unwavering, and his mercies renew. With Him, you have freely given grace. 

I have experienced it myself and have seen others have their lives completely refreshed and renewed by His loving grace. It is never too late.

This article about the new Hocus Pocus 2 sums up a lot of issues perfectly: https://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/theres-something-terribly-wrong-with-disneys-hocus-pocus-2/

They also have a great article about the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix. I watched the show twice before I even read the article and before I was a Christian. Even I remember thinking how outrageously satanic it was.


How do audiences respond? Not well. Not well at all. Especially to the pandering of LGBTQ indoctrination in every single piece of media.

