God has not abandoned us

It's easy to look around the world today and think that God has abandoned us. Bad is more easily seen than good - maybe because it hurts more.

But the sun is still burning, our planet is still spinning on its axis, the magnetic poles remain stable. There are so many things in this world that require the perfect circumstances in order to be able to run efficiently, including the human body. The mechanisms that it takes for even your lungs to draw breath.

Your immune cells are fighting invisible battles every day. Your blood circulates throughout your body, giving you oxygen and making your heart pump. Your neurons keep firing, your eyes keep blinking. 

We've become so jaded by this world that we've become blinded to the miracles around us constantly.

God is still here. In every breath and every blink. Close your eyes for at least 30 seconds every day and consider all of the things we take for granted.

I argue that the systems that make this world function are proof of a divine, loving God. Systems are created, they are not spontaneous. They require intelligent thought to create. And systems require maintenance and upkeep to continue functioning.

Who do you think makes your hair and nails grow, renews your cells, makes your circulatory and neurological systems function?

Humans have been capable of many things, but we've yet to create organic life. That's because it's created by God alone. 

And God alone maintains and provides.
