Gateways & Doors
As I've touched on in my previous post - I steer away from things in the world that might be okay, but might not be okay that might be considered occult-ish. Examples would be horror movies (although they used to be my favorite!), horror games, Ouija boards, contacting spirit guides, astral projection, fortune telling, tarot reading, palm reading, rune reading, mysticism, etc. And especially books on these topics. Nothing under the sun is new. Many of these things, especially contacting spirits and fortune reading, are old practices that have been done throughout the ages. Modern culture treats these things as fun games. I can't tell you how many sleepovers I had as a kid that involved invoking Bloody Mary or Candyman. It sounds ridiculous, I know. These are fictional characters. What harm can it do? Kids will be kids, people are just messing around. It's all for fun, yadda yadda. And maybe that act doesn't open a gateway or a door. But you are, subconsciously, lowering...